Our aim is to make each and every BDAC ride unique and better than the last one. We hope that we are successful at that
"Let me add my 2 cents worth here. I have been on a few of the BD rides and they get better and better. The current all inclusive format is nice, nothing to worry about, all included.
My last VietNam ride was the most interesting and enjoyable. Very scenic in the Northwest of the country, and well taken care of for accommodations and food. VietNam and Thailand being my favorite areas to ride.
Asia has so much to see, no not the big cities, while riding the far roads and seeing the real country. You don't have to be an excellent rider, just competent is good enough.
And the riders are usually an interesting bunch, from all over the world.
So, consider a new adventure, you will enjoy the ride."

" I have gone on 6 black dog rides over the years. Two to Vietnam two to Thailand one to India and last one to Indonesia. They are always a great riding experience. We have seen more of those countries than most people who actually live there. Every type of road and view you can imagine. From the twisties to the rough stuff we have done it all. Rides are very well organised and affordable for most. You haven't lived until you done a real road trip like these. "

“If you had told me back in 2015 that BDAC would be still going strong in 2023 and that over the 8 years in between we would have ridden on over 20 BDAC group rides and over 50 000kms in just about every country in SEA I would have told you that the crackpipe must be hot from overuse.
But here we are. A learning curve it sure has been. But a great one and along the way we have seen and done some great things in some amazing places in the company of great guys.
Every new ride we just try and make it better than the last and always; always, look at the ride from the viewpoint of both a long time BDAC rider and someone on their first BDAC ride.
The best ever BDAC ride ? The next one.
You Only Die Once “

"I joined the 2023 North Vietnam ride and would definitely do another with BDAC! It was unbelievable to join a well-planned, well-organized, deep-in-the-country motorcycle ride in an exotic locale, AT COST!
You'd have to pay several thousand $'s extra to a private tour company for such an experience, and it still probably wouldn't be as good. The reason is BDAC leader hagler, a sharp guy who knows what he's doing. (And clearly enjoys it.) We encountered normal challenges on a long ride like occasional hotel cancellations, closed roads, mechanical issues, etc, and he's on top of all of it, and he handles it with grace. He has simple, sensible rules on things like fuel stops, who navigates, who sweeps, etc that keep things orderly and sane. That is not easy with 10 or more bikers with 10 or more opinions or habits or diets or drinking problems.
BDAC is an outstanding club, and I'm looking forward to our next ride."

I have been on 3 Black Dog Adventure Club group rides to India, and Indonesia, Vietnam and recently did a reconnaissance trip to the Himalayas for next year’s September ride.
Every Black Dog ride has turned out to be a fantastic motorcycle adventure. Very well planned and organized, great riding with stunning views & vistas as well as a great group and team spirit and comradery.
Everything has been taken care off, from your airport pick-up and welcomes dinner, you will get the keys of your well-maintained motorcycle and off you go. Whether you are a seasoned biker or new to adventure motorcycle riding… The BDAC has something to offer to you.

"I have been fortunate enough to join many BDAC adventures over the past seven years. Have met many great guys, had a lot of fun and seen places I will never forget. As a non bike rider it is a different perspective but all is good as long as I have cold beers at the end of each day's ride .
From the early days around Luzon and Palawan in Philippines to Cambodia, and multiple trips to all corners of Vietnam and Thailand... have loved it all. Some rides don't suit an SUV joining but feel free to come along on future adventures"

"I began riding with the Black Dog Adventure Club (BDAC) several years ago, I have thoroughly enjoyed every motorcycle ride. I have thus far been on three BDAC rides, to Vietnam, Southern India and the islands of Indonesia, each ride has been superbly organized, well ran, with no issues in the area of transportation, lodging, food and all other aspects of organizing such a ride.
All rides are presented as “all inclusive”, which I find very compelling, each rider pays just one price, and this one price includes all in-country requirements such as dining, lodging, fuel, bike rentals and transportation to/from any airport as needed. Each riders only additional costs is the price of getting to/from the destination country. Our daily ride routes are pre-planned ahead of time, and each route will include various types of roads, twisties, and great scenery. This allows for each rider to see exciting aspects of Asian countries that is not the usual tourist areas, buts shows more internal customs of each country. Although each daily route is planned, individual riders still have the latitude to do different routing and stops away from the main group as their desire and skills allow.
And I’d like to finally add that I love meeting new people, and through these rides, I’ve had the opportunity to meet riders from many countries throughout the world. Meeting these riders has allowed me to expand my friend/riders network in ways that would not be possible in my daily life. This truly as been a tremendous additional benefit.
In closing, I again highly recommend joining a BDAC ride, you will thoroughly love it and will not be disappointed. And with that being said, I’m excitingly preparing for my next BDAC ride in a couple weeks to Northern Vietnam. Come join us soon..."

こんにちは、みんな! 私は日本から来たピーターです。 このグループで行ったいくつかの乗り物での私の経験の一部を共有したいと思いました。 私が最初に主役の男(匿名のまま)に紹介されたとき、彼はすぐに次の乗車に参加するように私を誘ってくれました。 私は、Bonanza ミニバイクからダートバイク、そして最新のバイクである Triumph 900cc ストリートツインまで、生涯を通じてバイクに乗ってきました。 私はこれまで組織的なライドに参加したことがありませんでした。 私はグループで 3 回ライドをしましたが、非常によく組織されていて、本当に楽しかったと心から証言できます。 外国人が行ったことのない地域を駆け抜け、爽快な道と景色。 高速道路や高速道路を通らないルートがとても好きです。 約束されたことはすべて実現し、乗り物で何人かの新しい生涯の友人に会いました。 BDAC での乗車を強くお勧めします。 サインアップした今後の 2 つの乗り物を楽しみにしています。 そして来年、また興味深い乗り物が追加されるようです。 「GOING」を押すために乗り物が開くのが待ちきれません ピーター